What is your height?:
166cms, I think...
Whats the one sexual thing you cant wait to try?:
Forced orgasm while being tied to a bed using a body wand vibrator!
What is your cup size?:
I think it's a 10DD...I actually don't wear bras in my everyday life, only if I'm shooting a scene
What is your star sign?:
What day is your birthday?:
The best day of the year
Whats your favourite colour?:
I like shades of colours more than just one specific colour...like mint green or soft yellow or pastel blue. But I am very into grey at the moment.
Whats your favourite sex position?:
Getting fucked from behind - it feels amazing and my partner gets an A+ view of my butt
Whats the most kinky place you've had sex?:
I wouldn't call it kinky, but I recently had sex in the room of a mansion that had 12 bunk beds full of my sleeping friends in it.
Share your most embarrasing sexual moment?:
I don't think there's such a thing as embarrassing sex moments! Just silly things that make it cute and funny
What do you do on Sundays?:
It depends on the Sunday. Yesterday was a Sunday and I went to the pub and ate a chicken parma. During summer I wake up and go to my favourite day party so I can dance in the sun.
Give us all your best sex tip.:
Communicate and practise active consent! Always check in and see if your partner is still enjoying/okay with what you're doing. Create space for them to say no if they need to. It doesn't need to be much, just a simple 'are you/is this okay?' and if they say no, respect that and stop/change what you're doing.
Whats your fav body part and what makes is special:
I think my butt is really great but I also think my waist is pretty amazing - it's so tiny and small and cute
How did you orgasm for the first time?:
I actually don't remember. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say using my hand to play with myself
Have you ever tried anal and do you like it?:
I have tried and at the time it wasn't my favourite thing, but who knows, tastes change...
Have you ever had a threesome and was it fun?:
I've had a couple of threesomes and they've all been really sweet and lovely
Alot of people want to experience more sexually, what is your advice to them?:
Try your hardest not to be shy and have an open and honest discussion with your partner (long term/short term/no term, whatever) about what you'd like to try, preferably at a time you aren't having sex. This should hopefully lead to a healthy conversation about what everyone does and doesn't want to try!