What is your height?:
Whats the one sexual thing you cant wait to try?:
Attending my first swingers party. Whether I swing or not, I won't know until I'm there, but the idea of going excites and scares me...
What is your cup size?:
What is your star sign?:
What day is your birthday?:
Whats your favourite colour?:
Whats your favourite sex position?:
On my stomach with my ass up and legs together.
Whats the most kinky place you've had sex?:
In the helicopter on a Navy ship.
Share your most embarrasing sexual moment?:
Giving myself an anal tear injury whilst filming my very first porn scene ever! Of course this resulted in me bursting into tears (horrified) and it all being captured on film for future blooper reel enjoyment.
What do you do on Sundays?:
I hit the gym and train, smash out admin chores, edit content and organize things for upcoming events and tours!
Give us all your best sex tip.:
Guys: FOREPLAY! Lots and lots of it! Stop skipping over this part. Foreplay makes us feel INCREDIBLE. Girls: Cover those teeth and stop being a baby about giving him a blowjob! Get amongst it and get messy!
Whats your fav body part and what makes is special:
My head- or specifically, my brain. Hands down. It's a complex, learning machine, that operates every single thing your body does. It retains information like a sponge, it can heal, create, imagine, protect, evolve and is stimulated in different ways by different things.
How did you orgasm for the first time?:
Experimenting with masturbation. I found a particular finger movement that felt surprisingly good and just didn't stop.
Have you ever tried anal and do you like it?:
Luckily, I was introduced to Anal Sex the right way, by an incredibly patient, experienced, lover, who didn't once rush me. He took as long as it took to help me relax- and I'm grateful my first time was so amazing. Anal sex (giving and receiving) is such an important and enjoyable part of my personal sex life, I couldn't really imagine what it would be like without it.
Have you ever had a threesome and was it fun?:
Of course I have. I very much enjoy a three way when the chemistry and dynamics are right. If one person isn't into it, or feels hurt, it's not really a threesome anymore and it changes the experience. Involving a third partner can be an incredibly exciting encounter.
Want to meet me in person?:
View my escort profile
Alot of people want to experience more sexually, what is your advice to them?:
Don't be scared to explore new things! Alone OR with your partner! Whether it's exploring those secret urges you already have, or just finding something different to try, you shouldn't feel restricted on what is, and isn't ok to explore. Only you can dictate what is ok for YOU- so don't worry about how strange or different things might seem when exploring yourself sexually, just embrace and enjoy the moment. Trust your gut and be smart when making choices that concern your safety.